Successful Business LeadersWe all know there are many elements that go into running a thriving business. However, in my work with small business owners, I have found that those who achieve the greatest success are the ones who bring a leadership mindset to the table.

Here are three things wildly successful leaders do automatically. Commit to practicing these behaviors day in and day out – and they will become instinctive for you, too!

  1. Listen
    Effective leaders know that what they hear is often more important than what they say. They make it a priority to keep the channels of communication open, actively soliciting ideas for improvement. Effective leaders value input and encourage others to voice their opinions. They know how to make others feel safe to speak-up and share their points of view. The payoff for active listening is huge: it fosters understanding and trust between you and your team.
  2. Lead
    As a small business owner, you are the embodiment of your company’s values and standards. Successful leaders lead by example, practicing what they preach and being mindful of their actions. Displaying passion for what you believe in and integrity in how you accomplish it will inspire your team to follow your lead – and give it their all.
  3. Learn
    Leaders are not infallible, they are adaptable. Successful leaders are not afraid to admit their mistakes, ask questions and seek counsel. They embrace opportunities to stretch themselves and develop new skills, whether it’s understanding the intricacies of a new technology or gaining knowledge about the different facets of running a business. They are laser-focused on learning and all in when it comes tapping the wisdom of others to make themselves better.


“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John Maxwell