Beth’s “Lottery Ticket” Approach to Boosting Your Business Luck

I have always been fascinated by the concept of “luck”. Are people truly lucky? Can you make your own luck? Does luck play a role in success – and if so, how much?

Experience has taught me that good luck and timing can be important factors in the positive outcome of a business endeavor. I also believe there are ways you can actually increase the chances of Lady Luck shining on your small business every day.

It starts with you shifting your own thoughts and behaviors to get better results.

One way to do this is to practice what I call the “Lottery Ticket” approach to improving your business luck. Every time you complete or achieve something on the following list, you earn lottery tickets:


You scrimped and saved to put yourself through school. You sacrificed family time to continue your education at night. Now you have the education needed for your profession. Give yourself a ticket for every course you completed.


Years of hard work have paid off, providing you with the knowledge and experience to be considered an expert in your field. Give yourself a ticket for every year you gained experience.


New product launch, new marketing strategy, new business alliance? You decide the number of tickets each one of these is worth.


Every piece of content you put out there earns you additional tickets. Be prolific.


Lucky people don’t lock themselves in their office. They look for opportunities to make things happen. Be open to meeting new people and exploring new possibilities. Give yourself a lottery ticket every time you attend a networking event and another one for every person with whom you connect.


It happens to the best of us at one time or another. Give yourself a ticket for every lesson learned.

Expect Luck

People who think they’re lucky may have an edge over those who don’t. Why? Because they focus on a successful outcome. Give yourself a lottery ticket each time you tell yourself, “I’ve got this!”


Whether your lottery tickets are real or metaphorical, viewing everyday activities and behaviors from a fresh perspective will go a long way towards developing an optimistic mindset.

Every business success story involves a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work. To increase your odds, commit to continuous learning, innovative thinking and getting your hands dirty. As movie producer Samuel Goldwyn claimed, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

Ready to make your own business luck? Book a free 30-minute consult!